Original tests both done on FamilyTreeDNA (May 2010 and Oct 2016), both uploaded to GEDMatch and both transferred to MyHeritage.
Actual relationship 2nd cousins.
Predicted relationship 2nd to 3rd cousin sharing a total of 144cMs, largest segment 19 cMs
Looking at only those segments over 7cMs this reduces to a total of 96 cMs over 7 segments (including a 10cMs X chromosome match)
One to One comparison at the default settings of 500 SNPs minimum 7cM segments
Comparing Kit A and Kit B
Chr | Start Location | End Location | Centimorgans (cM) | SNPs |
1 | 90,080,689 | 107,508,907 | 15.5 | 4,344 |
2 | 50,728,185 | 71,670,511 | 17.9 | 5,333 |
3 | 173,574,411 | 179,657,393 | 8.6 | 1,369 |
5 | 171,696,763 | 180,623,543 | 20.5 | 2,515 |
17 | 74,702,722 | 78,637,198 | 10.8 | 1,013 |
18 | 4,326,191 | 11,866,613 | 28.1 | 2,716 |
22 | 19,337,485 | 23,815,802 | 9.7 | 836 |
Total of segments > 7 cM = 111.1 cM
7 matching segments
Estimated number of generations to MRCA = 3.5
672062 SNPs used for this comparison.
This maternal cousin does show up on the MyHeritage match lists for my two maternal aunts, both
sharing 5.5%, 395cMs total, largest 63cMs, one with 14 segments, the other with 18.
But nowhere to be found on my match list, nor I on hers.
Looking at the FTDNA Chromosome Browser picture for my 2nd cousin compared to myself and the maternal aunts clearly shows at least three segments where I match at least one of the aunts (chr. 1,2,5) at which spots those matches total about 52cMs, well above what I'd consider a match from MyHeritage
Has been logged with MyHeritage Support for their scientists to take a look